I do not have a dream

This is for everyone who does not have a dream.

Those of us who lack direction, passion, an undeniable calling.

I have listened, read and watched countless motivational speeches, self development books and Ted Talks and I feel I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge on how to apply myself, how to stay motivated, how to find the time to put in the work that’s required to reach a specific goal.
Even how to be flexible when you realize you have a better way to improve upon your original specific goal.

But what about when you don’t have the goal?

The people I am inspired by, those whom I have watched countless interviews for and who make me want to be more and who help me to believe that I can be all have something in common.

They found something they loved to do and they decided to be the best.

They looked at everyone who had walked the path before them, they learned and honed their skills and became the best in their field. This all came with hard work, persistence and commitment which wasn’t easy but they had a clear goal to get them through. There were others that came before them and they aspired to break their records and be better.

I’ve envied these people as I've frustratingly thought to myself 'if only I had a dream'.

If only there was something I enjoyed so much I was motivated to do it day in day out and be the best, if only there was something I loved, if only I had a calling, if only I had a purpose.

I am so determined, I have so much potential, I am trying so hard all the time. I am learning, I am taking action, I am being persistent, I am monitoring my actions and my outcomes and I am adjusting, I am challenging myself, I am praying for direction and I’m even trying to let go of the idea in the hope that letting go will help it flow more easily to me as I’ve read that if you want something and chase it too much it will evade you. 

So I’m doing all that I can and I’m giving maybe the most important thing of all, I’m giving it time, I’m waiting patiently, getting myself ready for my miracle, my path to be unveiled to me.

I’m working through my personality traits that hold me back.
I’m visualizing, writing it down, affirming.
I’m staying mindful and receptive to the coincidences which I experience which are messages from the divine.
I am taking actions on the messages and exploring new avenues to find if something new may inspire me, may be that which I crave.

One idea that has stayed with me since I was younger was the idea that you should choose a job you love so that you never have to work a day in your life.
Another similar idea I read recently was to follow what you love and what makes you feel good as you will be motivated to do it.

This is another thing all these people have in common, they love what they do, they have fun.

Another thing they have in common is they’re all men. I need to explore that further but I’m mindful of it.

I’ve listened to countless motivational videos telling me to take the leap of faith, maybe even leave your job and I’ve thought to myself well I would if only I had something to leave it for. If only I had a calling I would follow it to the end.

I’m doing it all.

And still I wait.

I wait for my purpose, I wait for my path, I wait for my direction.

So where are all the stories of the people that didn’t have a dream? I want to hear from them. I want to be inspired and I want to know how they found it.

Because so far on my journey without a doubt this has been my biggest challenge.

And I find myself getting tied up and into new things I have taken action on and manifested which take up my limited time and feeling like hmmm this isn’t it. Great I tried it and found that out, time well spent but what next if that didn’t work? Or do I need to give it more time?
So I decided to write this as it came to me to share with all of you without a dream because though I don’t have the answer, at least you may get some comfort that there's someone in the same boat.


  1. I think that, as life passes by and circumstances change, our dreams change too. I think every stage in our life may bring new goals and aspirations. When I think about what my real dream come true in life would be, I just think of being happy and at peace. I think of being content and loved with a partner and children. I know there is no such thing as a perfect life but I would be happiest to have a good partner that I could share my life with.

    This may seem like a small ‘dream’ and also It may seem irrelevant when thinking of all of the potential we have to make a difference in the world and have an impact, but I feel that life is short and precious and that we can make the most out of it when we have a solid foundation. I feel the security that a family provides can serve as a pedestal to progress.

    This is not to say that those without partners or children can not have fulfilled lives or that those with families do have fulfilled lives, I just know in my own heart that longing for something that can at times seem so out of my control, everyone’s control, can get in the way of making other kinds of progress.

    I also feel, if I’m honest, once people who want these things, have them they feel a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction that they are doing their best and anything more they can do is a great achievement.

    There are different personality traits that determine the things people need in order to feel fulfilled or happy so most of your dreams and feeling of fulfilment depend on the personality type you have and what it is that you want most or is most important to you.

    I feel that sometimes chasing several different things that you are not really certain about defeats the object of finding fulfilment. It’s like they say, usually what you are looking for is right in front of you. Really what you are waiting for, you already have.

    Trying so hard to discipline yourself to ensure that you are always making progress and never wasting time can actually be the reason that you are not finding fulfilment.

    At a certain age, loneliness sets in and trying to push through it with distraction is the only way to keep moving. To find the things that you really need to feel fulfilled, to feel happy you have to be able to look at yourself, without all of the external endeavours with which we define ourselves and just be happy with what you are and who you are and where you are. Sometimes when we are exercising regularly we are told that we need to take a rest so that growth can occur. The same is true in our emotional and mental journeys.

  2. Sorry for how badly written that was. Had to hurry!


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