Cultivating Gratitude During a Global Crisis

At times like this it is easy to lose focus, to feel overwhelmed and scared.

It is easy to become distracted in all the news, social media and the non-stop bombardment of messages from others.

So I'd like to share a key tool for helping you cope during this unprecedented time.

This tool is key for shifting focus, maintaining perspective and ultimately improving well-being.

It is simple really - Gratitude.

I think we may all realise just how many things in our lives we take for granted every single day. Many who have practiced gratitude before may have overlooked some of the simple luxuries which only become magnified once they are gone. At a time like this when individuals are experiencing loss on many scales, it's only normal that we notice what is lacking in our lives, however it's far more enriching to shift our focus from lack and instead count our blessings.

Focusing on gratitude is scientifically proven to have many benefits on our mental health.

So I will start off my list. It is a combination of things I now realise I have taken for granted as unnoticed certainties as well as those things I recognise I am still very blessed with today.

I am so grateful for my health, mentally and physically
I am so grateful that my family and my loved ones are in good health, mentally and physically
I am so grateful that we have shelter, warm homes and beds
I am so grateful that we have free flowing clean water to drink, easily available every day
I am so grateful that we have access to a wide variety of food from all over the World
I am so grateful for my job which allows me to support all my basic needs as well as to support my loved ones at times
I am so grateful to have people in my life who care for me and worry for my well-being
I am so grateful for the beautiful sky outside and for the sun which warms our bodies and allows crops and beautiful flowers to grow
I am so grateful for the community I live in, with people who care about and support each other
I am so grateful I live in a peaceful country which has been stable for my whole life
I am so grateful for my city, I love my city, I love its people
I am so grateful for these clean streets
I am grateful for the unlimited opportunities for self growth and learning
I am grateful for the capabilities I have to serve and support others
I am so grateful for our front-line staff who risk their lives to serve others, to keep the country moving during difficult times
I am so grateful for my car which allows me to easily move around
I am grateful that we have access to electricity and energy to heat our homes
I am grateful for the humour and joy people share with one another
I am grateful for all my senses which allow me to enjoy many of life's pleasures
I am grateful that the World is coming together, collaborating and sharing ideas and resources to support one another in difficult times
I am grateful for all the good times spent with family and friends
I am grateful for technology and phones which allow me to connect with my loved ones

I believe this global situation can be a driver for positive change. It is easy during these times to see all the negatives but in any situation, there is a silver lining. This situation may bring about awareness of many complex situations both at an individual level and within society today from which lessons must be learned and I believe in order to tackle them we must start with gratitude.

An unprecedented situation like this can bring about unprecedented innovation, learning, growth, collaboration, solidarity and harmony.

This list is just the tip of the iceberg, try starting your own and come back to it each day, read it back and consider if there's anything else you can add.

I hope you find this exercise helpful and tomorrow I will share another.


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